
Mr. Brown

portátil, ficha, carregador, rato, headphones, caderno de notas, lapiseira, lenços de papel. tirei os apetrechos da mochila. deixei-a no bengaleiro e recebi o cartão nº5. a biblioteca pública do lincoln center é um paraíso de silêncio e compostura.
quando voltei ao bengaleiro para sair, entreguei o cartão nº 5. enquanto me passava a mochila o Mr. Brown disse, here you are, miss maya. how do you know my name? it came to my mind. do i have it written somewhere? no, i it just came to my mind. did you go through my stuff?? no! of course not! we are not allowed to do that! so you have super powers! yes. one day i dreamt my brother was going to be seriously injured in the belly so i told him: don't leave the house today. but he did. and got shot in the stomach. but, did he survive? yes. he did. so where are you from? me? i'm from jamaica.

e fiquei sem saber como adivinhou o meu nome.

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